The Kotlin compiler starts executing the code from the main function.
This is the main function, which is mandatory in every Kotlin application. They are intended for person reading the code to better understand the intent and functionality of the program.
yarn run build to create production bundles.When you run the program, the output will be: Hello, World!Īny line starting with // is a comment in Kotlin (similar to Java). yarn start to start local development server at. Install required dependencies yarn install. Ctrl+Alt+Enter/Cmd+Alt+Enter - show import suggestions. Defaults to undefined – only supported in playground.ĭata-shorter-height="100": show expander if height more than value of attributeĭata-scrollbar-style: Chooses a scrollbar implementation. Defaults to falseĭata-crosslink="enabled|disabled": Show link for open in playground. Match-brackets="true|false": Determines whether brackets are matched whenever the cursor is moved next to a bracket. Example from line 5 to line 10.ĭata-output-height="200": Set the iframe height in px in output. Defaults to false.įrom="5" to="10": Create a part of code. Lines="true|false": Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. Indent="4": How many spaces a block should be indented. Highlight-on-fly="true|false": Errors and warnings check for each change in the editor. If false => Press ctrl-space to activate autocompletion. Default to kotlin.ĭata-min-compiler-version="1.0.7": Minimum target Kotlin compiler versionĭata-autocomplete="true|false": Get completion on every key press. Mode="kotlin|js|java|groovy|xml|c|shell|swift|obj-c": Different languages styles. Theme="idea|darcula|default": Editor IntelliJ IDEA themes. GetInstance(instance) - Getting playground state API.Īuto-indent="true|false": Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation.
MountNode - new node with runnable editor. TargetNode - node with plain text before component initialization.
Use for target platform js.Ĭallback(targetNode, mountNode) - Is called after playground's united. GetJsCode(code) - Is called after compilation Kotlin to JS. OnOpenConsole - Is called after the console's opened.
OnCloseConsole - Is called after the console's closed. OnTestFailed - Is called after all tests failed. OnTestPassed - Is called after all tests passed. OnChange(code) - Fires every time the content of the editor is changed. Function onChange ( code ) playground ( '.selector', options )