Swipe until you hear "Read From Here button," then select it to enter "Read from Here" mode.Swipe or arrow until you hear "dismiss navigation button," then select the button to enter "Page" mode. The book will open in "Navigation" mode.If asked where you'd like to read the book, select Libby. Note: If you're using an iOS device, you'll need to use VoiceOver, not Spoken Content, to read books in Libby. You'll find the option to use "Read From Here" mode when the book is in "Page" mode. "Read From Here" mode: allows you to read using your screen reader.

You'll be in this mode after dismissing navigation. "Page" mode: allows you to move through pages sequentially.In "Navigation" mode you can navigate to different parts of the book. "Navigation" mode: is the mode the Libby reader will start in.The Libby reader will always be in one of three modes: "Navigation" mode, "Page" mode, or "Read From Here" mode: All users will need to access service through either the Libby app or the Libby website.After opening a book in Libby, you can use "Read From Here" mode to read books and magazines with your screen reader. The Overdrive app will cease to work by the end of April, 2023. The OverDrive app was the original way to access the Washington Anytime Library online collection. Using Libby on your smartphone or tablet.It’s available as a website and as an app. Libby is the newest way to access the Washington Anytime Library online collection. Use Libby if your smartphone or tablet is running iOS 10+ or Android 5+, your PC or other device is running Windows 10, or your Kindle eReader (black and white display) is newer (couple of years old). You can find information on digital magazine access on our eMagazines page. Look for the type of device you have, then click on the related link for the instructions. Get started downloading eBooks and eAudiobooks from Washington Anytime Library through Overdrive’s Libby app or website.